Debie Misir: March 05, 2009

Knowing God transforms you...

In a prophetic worship session one Friday night, I kept asking for a revelation of the Lord. I wanted to know Him more. I wanted to understand Him….not with foolishness of heart, but with revelation wisdom and knowledge, with supernatural understanding…..I began to see the Lord in my spirit in a way that I had never seen him before. The revelation was almost too mighty for my soul's understanding….I did not see a 3 dimensional figure, like man, but what I saw and felt was a multi-dimensional being that I could not comprehend. He was not someone I could describe with words, nor understand with my natural mind. He was not a static being, but a dynamic one with no definite form that I could describe.….

Then the Lord began to speak into my spirit. "You cannot know me through knowledge, but by revelation. You cannot know me through description but through experience" Then He showed me a photograph and said "Just as this photograph cannot begin to make someone who has never seen you, know you by looking at it, so too you cannot know me by me describing myself to you with words as in you reading the Bible without revelation. The inadequacy of the photograph to give someone true knowledge of the essence of who you are is in a small way comparable to the inadequacy of the Bible without revelation knowledge, to reveal who I am to you." I understood immediately what the Lord meant. A photograph is snapshot of me, a single dimensional view that cannot convey any knowledge of my personality, intelligence, emotional make-up, character etc….in short it gives a surface description of one view of my appearance, but gives no knowledge of me as a person. In like manner, when we read the Bible thinking we understand who God is, we have just begun to scratch the surface.

God is never static, but always dynamic. He cannot be adequately described by a 3-dimensional world, but has to be experienced in order know Him. For example, if you want to know what His purity means, you cannot say.."Lord describe your purity for me." You need to ask Him for a revelation of His purity. You cannot ask Him to show you His beauty, but you need to ask for a revelation of His beauty. We can only know God by Him giving us revelations of Himself. This means in order for us to know a side of Him or a characteristic of His, we have to receive that revelation. We have to experience that characteristic in order for us to know it..…and when we experience it, we change.

Everything about the Lord is action, never just a state of being. For example, when you receive a revelation of His purity…you become pure. When you receive a revelation of His gentleness, you become gentle. When you receive a revelation of His wisdom, you become wise etc. In short, in order to know God, you must receive revelations of Him and whatever He reveals of Himself to you, you receive and change into His likeness in that area. With each revelation of the Lord we receive, we know Him more because we become more like Him.

The Lord pored this scripture into my spirit that night…..(1 John 3:2,3) "Now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure." It is not a one time thing like most believe. We do not have to wait until the last days before He appears. He appears to us in revelations of Himself every time we ask and are willing to receive…and we change into His image and likeness whenever we do…we go from glory to glory. Praise the Lord!

Debie Misir: March 05, 2009

In Him all things hold together

Deep in prophetic worship on a Friday night, we were worshipping with the song "I need you more, more than yesterday, I need you more, more than words can say…" when in the middle of the song, I felt a great mighty pulling apart in my very soul. I felt as if a great big emptiness had suddenly been revealed inside of me and I would cease to exist lest the Lord comes instantly and keeps me whole. I reached for the Lord with a longing like never before. From deep, deep within in, the cries rose up in an almost travailing version of the above song. I felt such a great need, such a tearing apart in my entire being as if I would disintegrate into the dust that I was made from, in moments, unless the Lord came and filled me. I cried out over and over again…"I need you more Lord…more Lord" This went on for many minutes, then I heard the scripture in My spirit "In Him all things hold together." It is from (Colossians 1:17) "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

I had always understood this scripture to mean that the Lord created the heavens and the earth, and all things contained in them. He established natural laws which hold the sun in it's place, the moon revolving around the earth, the earth revolving around sun etc. This to me is holding all things together by his power. I did not understand that the creation itself needs God's power each and every moment to stay created. For example, we do not just need the air we breathe and water to live, but we need God's power to hold together the very the dust particles that created our fingers, toes, nose, head, organs etc. Without God's power, we would not only die, but we would immediately disintegrate back to millions and millions of dust particles, and the dust would disappear, the earth and sun and moon would melt away etc. God's power did not only create us, but sustains us each and every moment, and everything that makes us a being with a body, spirit, and soul….with life. Without Him, without His power holding us together moment by moment, we could not continue to exist. In Him we are all held together. Thank you Lord.

Efren Abdon: June 07, 2007

My Joy

The Lord gave me this yesterday and I felt it need to be declared in the atmosphere of confession,
creating a web of blissful assurance.

Thus saith the Lord,

the fullness of My joy is you
The fulfillment of who I AM that I AM is you
I AM because of you... and I love you.

"1 Peter 1:8... Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy."

Love Knows - January 25, 2007


I saw a word EXPOSED. This made my flesh quiver. Then, I realized that it was the flesh that doesn't want to be exposed. To be exposed means to be embarrassed, humiliated and disgraced to some degree. However, as I meditated in my heart, the Lord showed me the good results of this exposure and reassured me that His work will bring forth the right fruit in the end.

Some people enjoy giving but they feel embarrassed to receive... "pride"?
( Our blessing will be hindered if we will not learn this lesson)

Talents that are given but never used to acknowledge God... "Selfishness and Pride" ?
( At this I felt the hurt of God)

You come to God to be blessed but what if you didn't get what you want.will you still seek Him ?
(Seeker of God will always whether to have or not to have)

Only God can expose the intentions and the motives of our heart. May God expose us and may we be convicted now before we get embarrassed on judgment day...

Love Knows - January 22, 2007

Love Knows

As I was praying last night, I was asking in my Spirit, many questions regarding, giving, praying, purpose, destiny, gifts of the Spirit, direction, the will of God etc. The Lord started to answer and very strong in my spirit, came two words. "LOVE KNOWS".

The Lord started to speak.
"Love knows", saith the Lord. "Love does not question, love does not doubt, love is not unsure, love does not hesitate. Love knows" saith the Lord. "Love knows when to move, where to move, when to speak, what to speak, when to do, what to do, what to listen to and when to rest in me. Love is never lost, love is not harsh, love is not insufficient, love is never indecisive. Love is sure, love is confident, love is bold. love is wise, love is patient, love is gentle, love is kind, love is full of joy and peace, love is good, love is selfless and long-suffering. Love is the fullness of all things. It never fails, it overcomes all, it sustains all, it creates all. It cannot be created or destroyed. Love is. Love knows, saith the Lord"

"For you to be without questions, you must have all the answers. All answers are contained in Love. Love knows. I am love and I abide in my fullness in you. If you abide in your fullness in me, You know for you become like me. You become love and LOVE KNOWS." saith the Lord.

"Without love, you are without purpose, without direction, without life, without fruit. Abide in me and become love" saith the Lord.

1 Corinthians 13:1
[ Love ] If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

For the children of God: If you are in doubt, if you are indecisive, if you are unsure.ask the Lord to search your heart. Love is missing or not operational in your life. For when you have the Lord in your heart, you have love and love knows.. Quickly repent of unconscious and conscious sins and ask the Lord to let His love flow once again in you and through you. At every decision point in your life, may sure your are submitted fully to the Holy Spirit and look into your spirit for the answer, not your mind. LOVE KNOWS...

Earthly Worship purified in Heaven - January 21, 2007

Earthly Worship purified in Heaven

As we were worshipping this morning, I felt the hearts of all of us worshipping, coming into one accord. The sounds rose up to Heaven in Spirit and in Truth. It was the first time that I felt our worship to be totally in the Spirit, with simply everyone in one accord. As the music and voices rose up to Heaven, I felt it change. There were no more voices nor loud musical sounds, despite the beautiful voices and melodies that we were worshipping with. But, it was as if it was all being converted into a soft harmony as it reached Heaven. I felt in my spirit, the harmony of our worship pervading Heaven, live waves of love flowing. I saw angels assembling as the harmony seemed to be gathering them together, also it seems, in one accord, for a particular mission.

The Revelation:

Regardless of how amazing our voices are or how skilled we are at producing musical sounds with instruments, it is still not pure and righteous before God. It cannot go to the ear of a Holy God the way it is. God has to purify it in the process and make it holy before He can receive it. He can only do this when we worship from a sincere heart before Him, in Spirit and in Truth. He does not listen to voices or sounds, but to hearts. He will take what your heart produces in worship and He will purify this and receive it as a sweet smelling fragrance. When we are in one accord, it seems as if our worship invades Heaven and Heaven cannot help but respond.

Glory to Glory - January 21, 2007

Glory to Glory

When we are born again, the fullness of Christ comes to live in us. We receive at the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the full glory of the Lord in us. However, although Christ is in us, He is not fully revealed to us. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, to reveal Christ already in us, fully to us. Our Spirit has new life, having been born again, but our soul (mind, will and emotions) and body are still bound.

Now the Holy Spirit begins to reveal Christ to us. With each truth we receive in our spirits, revelations come through the Holy Spirit to our spirit and then understanding is brought to our minds. We are then set free from a particular bondage with every truth received. John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

As that part of us is set free, Christ is revealed and He occupies that part as Himself revealed in a particular way. We just went from one glory, receiving the fullness of Christ, to another, a part of Christ revealed. As more truths are received by us, more of the Christ already in us, is revealed to us through our spirit and soul. We keep going from Glory to Glory. Such is the work of the Holy Spirit. Such is the ascension from Glory to Glory.

Time meets Eternity - December 1, 2006

Time meets Eternity

Time meets Eternity

As we were worshipping one night, I had a vision of the Lord coming into the room. He walked from the back of the room into the center and knelt down by the post which is in the center of the room where we were worshipping. Suddenly the scene changed into the Garden of Gethsemane. The post became a tree in the garden and the Lord was kneeling down praying and agonizing at the base of the tree. I was confused and asked the Holy Spirit, "Lord what are you showing me?". For a few minutes, I did not hear anything. Then suddenly as the worshipper started to sing the words "Jesus, Lover of my soul", I saw the words, like healing, flow from her mouth into the heart of the Lord as He was groaning and sweating, and He looked up and seemed to strengthened by the worship. Then I heard the Father say."when my son was in the Garden of Gethsemane, my word says.angels ministered unto Him. How do you think they ministered unto him?" He said to me. "They showed Him all of you worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth. They showed Him the ministry of grace that His obedience would birth, they showed Him all who would be saved through His sacrifice, and as he beheld you all, He was strenghtened in heart. Your worship ministered unto Him that night and He was able to go to the Cross with joy in His heart. The joy of knowing what the fruits of His sacrifice would be.YOU, saved and giving glory to Him.

That night time met eternity as we worshipped and ministered to the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane.

To all the children of God, worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth. What we do in the Spirit is not limited by time or space. God uses it in Spirit and Truth and this transcends the physical and temporal and reaches into eternity. The effects are everlasting, touching heights and depths our minds cannot comprehend. God can use your worship to heal and set free people in any part of the world. You see, when you worship in the Spirit, a harmony is created in Heaven and angels are strengthened and begin to assemble and go forth to minister on earth, across time and space.